Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Even the President gets hacked

   Recently there has been confusion to whom had hacked President Barack Obama's Twitter account. Two post that were sent by this account had direct links to al-Assad. Obviously this highlighted who the hackers were, but there was one video that seemed surprising to White House officials. It consisted of multiple terrorist attacks caught on film. The first clip shown in the video was a clip of impact on the World Trade Center building two. The video was linked to Obamas tweets. The original link was hyperlinked to a post from the Washington Post.

    This is not the only time a high profile account has been hack, in fact a leader from the the group the hacktivist suggest that it is rather easy to gain passwords to these accounts. Why is it so easy for this to be hacked by thought to have been "amateur" hackers?
Social media affects the world opinion whether we realize it or not. It is comparable to art in the Renaissance era. Art was there to communicate to the citizens. Why? Because the citizens could not read. They were only told what was going on and what a painting described. Therefor this motivated opinions in favor of the government or the richest families in charge, such as the Medicis in Rome.

   Social Media today is the number one form of a publicized opinion. Whatever the trend is on social media then it is believed to be popular. Twitter could be the only text a person reads for days, weeks, or even a month or two. This is why it is so influential to the world. That is why I raise the question as to how are high profile Twitter accounts being hacked?

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