Monday, October 21, 2013

Insurance through the market

   Obama care does have its' problems within the system, but doesn't everything? There are several policies that are in place now that have malfunctions. The right to bare arms and freedom of speech are perfect examples of how policies have loop holes. We are able to patch up those holes through amendments. Policies always have the ability to be fixed. 

   Our government is set up to function by allowing people to control what happens. This is the beautiful thought of a democracy. The perfect thought of communism sounds pretty appealing as well, but the tragic end of communism is that people are not perfect. Maybe that is what is wrong with democracy as well. This may happen to be the case, in fact we have strayed so far from democracy that we can't even depend on the people anymore. The United States government is ran by the elite, not the people. What's even more confusing is that the market controls the government, so how exactly is Obamacare ripping off the rich? When this would create jobs throughout the market! The market would then provide health insurance to every person that wants it. The website tends to be slower than most, but the overall idea of the Affordable Care Act is a fundamentally based plan that leans more towards a democracy instead of capitalism. 

   There are several problems that could be compromised with Obamacare. Although the goods outweigh the bad. Insurance through the market place is what America needs, but we also need better execution to complete the program. The plan will be fixed an forgotten as Obama's idea in the next twenty years. By then it will be renamed and recreated. 

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